Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The strength of my love for you...

For Matthew and Gracie...

"Sugar and spice and everything nice...

That's what little girls are made of."  And that is surely the truth with you.  You are SO beautiful already.

I watch your Daddy during the ultrasounds and tears stream down his face every time he sees you.  I have never seen him so happily emotional about anything.  I also catch him staring at your ultrasound pictures over and over again and his eyes brimming over with tears.

Even though I already know that it is completely possible and effortlessly easy, it still amazes me how much we all love you even though we have not officially met you yet.

Yesterday was my last day with the Maternal Fetal Specialist.  Both Daddy and I were a little sad because we LOVE her and everyone in her office.  I have NEVER been to any medical office where every single person on the staff was so wonderful and caring and sincere.  They will all be missed dearly.

We went to get an echo cardiogram on your little heart.  You didn't feel like cooperating so all they could really tell is that the VSD is still there and you weigh a whopping 3 pounds and 2 ounces already!  I was THRILLED to hear that.  I have been so sick with bronchitis that I just knew it was affecting you.  However, just like always, you are thriving in spite of everything else.  I love you so much my precious daughter.

We are now waiting for a call back from a pediatric cardiologist at a hospital downtown.  They are going to have a go at your heart to see if you are in a more cooperating mood.  I sure hope you are.  I would like to stop worrying!

Here are your latest ultrasound pictures dating at 28 weeks and 3 days.  You are quite the looker, and you are still looking more and more like your big brother.  He is SOOOOO happy about that.  He calls you "his baby" and just cannot wait for you to get here.

Were you yawning, or singing?  :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ready for your closeup :)

Here are your latest ultrasound pictures.  Taken of you at 26 weeks and a few days.

You are so adorable!!!  You were playing with your umbilical cord in this picture and then you started to chew on it.  You had the doctor and me cracking up.

I guess you were done being stared at because you covered yourself up and refused to cooperate any further.  I love your spunk!

And WOW!  Look at you and your brother when he was a baby.  I thought you were all Daddy but I don't know.  Apparently those McLeroy genetics run deep.  You are beginning to look more and more like Big Brother, Matthew.  I couldn't be happier!

Good News/Bad News

The good news is that after going to the specialist yesterday, my cervix is NOT 3.6cm, but instead a VERY healthy 4.7cm.  I could NOT be happier.

Okay, now the bad news.  You still have a congenital heart defect that is not going anywhere.  On November 29th, I am going to be getting a detailed EKG of your heart.  The doctor wouldn't tell me exactly why they are deciding to do that now, and I'm hoping it is just to rule inconsequential things out, but you just never know.

They still don't know why I've been bleeding so often lately and they are definitely keeping an eye on it.  I think they are afraid of what's called Placental Abruption.  It is kind of scary.  Your Daddy, of course, ever the optimist, is completely confident that no matter what, you are going to be fine.  Your Mommy, of course, the eternal worrier, is scared to death to move too fast in one direction or you might fall out.  ;)  You would think that I wouldn't worry so much.  You are my second baby but what can I say?  I have lived my life in such a way as to not have anything to lose and that has been very true up until Matthew came along and now I have another little person that I will not be able to live without.

It absolutely amazes and shocks me how I can love the two of you so entirely.  I was so worried with having a second baby and wondering how it was going to be possible but just like everyone said, you just do.  One day, you look at your life and realize that there are two very important people in your life now instead of just the one.  It's really a very awesome and wonderful thing.